7 Top Tips to help you make slow fashion choices!
Are you wanting to help care for the environment by making empowered fashion choices? You can do just that, by learning more about the devastating effects of the fast fashion industry and utilising your power as a consumer.
My seven top tips are here to help you make powerful, slow fashion choices. Keep reading to find out more!
Slow down and choose slow fashion with a Portuairk Timeless Infinity Loop
1. Find locally produced clothing and accessories.
Not only does this cut down on pollution caused by transportation, but buying locally manufactured products means that they are less likely to be mass produced. Smaller batches equal less damage to the environment and a more unique item of clothing that you wouldn’t typically find in high street shops.
2. If you can’t buy local then opt to purchase items that are manufactured in the UK or Europe.
Find out where your clothes are made. Europe is usually a reasonably safe bet because there are stricter regulations in place when it comes to working conditions and industrial pollution.
3. Choose natural fibres.
Synthetic fibres are not only bad for your skin but their production has horrible impacts on the environment. Even once their life cycle has ended, synthetic materials continue to pollute because their fibres do not break down like natural fabrics do. They are plastics.
4. Opt for fabrics which use dyeing processes with minimal impacts on the environment.
Natural dyes are always best but they are rarely used into today’s manufacturing processes. In the sea of synthetic dyeing, fabrics treated with reactive dyes cause the least amount energy consumption and minimal release of waste into water courses. Reactive dyes are also a good choice because of their colour fast properties and wide ranging colours. Low-impact reactive dyes have been developed, and although far from perfect, they have been classified as eco-friendly by the EU.
5. Support ethical brands.
You work hard for your money and deserve to be treated with respect and paid a fair wage. Support brands who share this ethos and choose to ethically manufacture products, even it it means having to pay a higher price tag for your purchase.
6. Invest in timeless classics and quality over quantity.
Many of us are stretched financially when it comes to our spending habits these days. Timeless classics and quality items will stand the test of time and make you feel like a million dollars every time you take them out of your wardrobe.
7. Love yourself and your clothes forever!
Buy less and empower yourself by making conscious fashion choices that are chosen by you and not dictated to you by the latest fast fashion fad. Embrace the concept of slow fashion: buy sustainable clothes and accessories because you love them, and then love wearing forever!
If you enjoyed reading these top tips you may want to learn more about the devastating impacts of the fast fashion industry by reading my latest feature blog here.
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Visit my website at www.susiemurphyart.com